Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ummm Excuse Me...I Asked for Medium Well!

My mother says I am a serial complainer. Well I am...sort of. But I have some making up to do because for years I left so much unsaid.

I am talking bad food, bad service, the wrong order, a long wait, the wrong change...I could on and on. I cannot tell you how many restaurants and fast food chains I have dined at, and had bad food or service. I can be picky. I like my chicken sandwich a certain way. No one ever seems to listen. 9 times out of 10, my chicken sandwich is wrong. Now if I am paying $5 to $10 bucks for a darn chicken sandwich; well I expect it to be right. But when it wasn't, yes I sent it back. Or sometimes if I went to the drive thru, I'd get home and be all pissed. But mostly I was mute. Sure, I moaned and groaned to whoever was within hearing range. Just didn't take the next step.

Here's a little secret. Restaurants want your feedback. And managers want to please us. They want us to come back. Almost every restauant across the country has a website. So go on it some time, dolls. It is amazing what we've been missing out on.

First, if you have a complaint...then let them know. Most websites have a link at the bottom titled "Contact Us." Use this link to let the restaurant know what they did wrong. Always do this. I have complained about a meal I had 3 weeks ago. Now you don't want to push it. Only issue a complaint for a recent purchase (say the last month or so) and make sure the complain is legiment. If you are complaining just to get a free meal, then you are stealing. And you are giving that restaurant an unfair rep.

So if you have a real complaint or concern, let them know. It can pay off big. In the last year, I have issued complaints to a handful of restaurants.

McDonalds - My chicken sandwich was wrong. I complained. Received $5 in McDonald's bucks in the mail.

Wendys - I went there late. Hey they were open. Maybe they shouldn't have been. The fries were cold and nasty. My sandwich was as tough as a brick. I complained. Received 2 coupons in the mail, each for a free combo.

Outback - My favorite place in the world, let me tell you. Usually really good service. But a few times I got carryout, my steak was not cooked correctly. One time I got no bread (I LOVE THEIR BREAD) and on occasion my mushrooms were cold (Just ewe.) So one night when my order was not up to par, I finally complained. I received an apology email from the local manager, and a gift certificate in the mail worth $45 bucks.

Pizza Hut - It was wing Wednesday, and we wanted some wings. I placed the order online and was given an estimated wait of 1 hr for delivery. An hour later I called to check the status. The guy told me it was on it's way and then hung up on me. A half an hour later, I called back and asked for the manger. My $20 order went down to $11 bucks. And my pizza and wings finally arrived another 15 mins later. Apparently wing Wednesday is a popular night.

So...this is about standing up for yourself as a consumer. I have probably spent a small fortune at McDonald's throughout the years. So if my order is wrong, I feel I deserve a complimentary meal on them. And most restaurants feel that way too. They messed up, and they want to make it right. I will say that holds true for most places. But there are exceptions. I have issued complaints to Popeyes and Starbucks before...never heard a peep.

Now its not all about the bad. I strongly recommend you go leave the compliments too. Often you will be placed on their mailing list, and receive great coupons via email or snail mail. Plus, if a restaurant really does an awesome should tell them. It helps motivate them to continue providing excellent customer service.

Let me also recommend coupons. Just last week IHop had a half page of coupons. One was buy 1 meal, get 1 free. So when a friend said she wanted to grab a bite, I suggested (drum roll please)...IHop! We got a $10 meal, got one free and split the cost of the second. I walked out paying $7 bucks for a really great meal. We both it's a win win. And who doesn't love those friends who are not interested in the coupon. I am happy to hop on their bandwagon. If they want to pay full price, by all means do so. I am going to hand my coupon right over and walk out of there paying nothing but the tip.

Now there is big talk about the site In truth, they are pretty awesome. It just rarely works for me. The restaurants listed in my area are usually ones I have never heard of or be a patron of. Some are way out of my price range, discount or not. This is definitely not the site for fast food lovers either. But, it does work for many. You can sometimes get incredible deals. But make sure they are restaurants you frequent. They should be ones you enjoy and can afford. Don't buy just because there is a great deal. You may get their and find out their cheapest entree is $40 bucks! So be smart about it. If you find a great deal on an unfamiliar restaurant, take a moment to research the place. Most have online menus and pricing. I check the site regularly. If a deal comes up like a $25 dollar Outback gift card for $3 bucks...well I will probably be buying 10 of them. Most never expire. So if you find the right deal for you, go for it.

People also talk a lot about and Another case where you can get great deals. It all comes down to your own personal interests. You will usually get 1 email a day annoucing that day's deal. They are local deals. For Groupon, you may see a deal for 2 movie tickets for $11 bucks. If ten people take the deal, you all get the savings. Living Social has a daily deal that you can take advantage of. Usually half price massages or a dozen cupcakes half off. Sites like this tend to annoy me to be honest. I guess they are just not for me. I have maybe gotten 2 or 3 great deals from using these sites. I guess the problem is the deals are in no way tailored to me. I don't have time or interest in ballroom dancing, or expensive massages or cliff diving. I know many people do have these interests. But I find most of the deals are for people with a bit higher budget than mine. You have to judge for yourself. Sign up freee and watch your email for the next couple of weeks. Maybe you are rolling in deals and loving every minute of it. But maybe not. Either way, it doesn't really hur to get the emails. You never know when a great deal may come your way :)

For me, being on a budget felt like it would suck the fun out of life. I love to dine out. So when I can go it for free, I jump all over it. I love restaurants where kids eat free. I try to take advantage of every opportunity I can, so that being on a budget does equal zero social life. And I really want you to know you don't have to give up on eating out altogether either. Of course you  may want to cut back if you are eating out every day. But you can treat yourself and your family; and do it smartly. So hit the town sometimes. You deserve it. Just don't pay an arm and a leg to do so.