Ebates - I love this site - its a recent find and has moved to the top of my list! I do all my online shopping through their site now. They have great discounts, sales and coupons. And I earn cash back for shopping...mostly on items I had to purchase anyway. So instead of going directly to the site, I go through ebates and earn cash. Plus I get money back and prizes for referring friends. Its totally free, and hassel free. You redeem your cash back rewards, and get a check in the mail within a couple weeks. I mean that is cash in your pocket. Also, your cash back rewards do not expire, so it really is a great way to shop once in awhile or every day. Join Now Free
National Cosumer Panel - If you can get it...GO FOR IT! They only take applications a couple times throughout the year. I will blog any time I hear there are openings. If accepted, you receive a scanner in the mail. You simply scan your items every time you shop. You take surveys as well. Over time you earn rewards towards great items. And sometimes get freebies in the mail. I got my scanner within 2 weeks of joinning. It takes a little time to get up and running with it. But I shop all the time, and started earning great rewards once I got into the habit of using my scanner. Best of all, your opinion counts. As a consumer you are helping to change things for the better.
Inbox Dollars - Well to start with, its a free to Join...and you get $5 in rewards when you do join. You also get cash for taking surveys, playing games and simply just opening the emails they send to you. You earn for referring friends, and even shopping online through their site. Once you've earned $30 dollars, you can request a check to be sent out to you. You can earn small or earn big, depending on how often you use the site. But I got paid for opening emails and taking a few surveys, and I am not complainning at all :) Join Now
Craigslist - I have earned and saved a hundred times or more with this site. Unlike many other sites, there is no fee to post an ad. You can sell items locally, which means no shipping hassels or cost. I have sold everything from old cellphones, children's clothing, Mp3s, baseball card collections and more. Plus, I buy off Craigslist often. I have gotten great deals on baby items, furniture, exercise equipment and more. Its also amazing how much stuff people just give away for free. Most of us know about Craigslist, but don't utilize it enough. Before you go out and buy a brand new crib for hundres, check Craigslist. You may be able to get a near perfect condition one for half that...or even for free! This saves me money, and earns me money. It is also a great place to promote a yard sale and get more foot traffic.
Affiliate Programs - This can be as simple as posting a few links on your Facebook or Twitter account. Or if you have a popular website or blog. When you affiliate with a company, you advertise them on your site. Consumers click the link from you site, and whatever they purchase or subscribe to...you get a portion of that profit. Most sites have a link at the bottom of their home page marked Affiliates. Sign up with sites that your readers will respond to. Lets say you have a photography site, then you would want to partner with companies that are similiar. Maybe photo priting sites, or custom frame sites. Or if you have a blog on beauty advice, advertise top beauty products.
Odd Jobs - Most of us do not have the time or energy to hold down a second job, even if its a part time one. But doing the occassional odd job can pay off big. It also can come in handy right when you need it. Check the Craigslist Gigs section. Lets say you have a big truck. People constantly post needing help moving big items, and are willing to pay cash plus gas expenses. Or take a baby sitting job one night a week. Sometimes you can find a regular gig, and babysit a few hours every Friday night. A great place to search is Care.com. Its a little extra cash, and usual a pleasure. Or maybe housesit. Do you have a friend who is on the road a lot. Maybe offer your house sitting services for a small fee. My boyfriend owns a really nice carpet cleaning machine. He advertises and makes a good side job living cleaning other people's rugs.
Swag Bucks - This site is pretty awesome. I signed up for free, and received Swag Bucks instantly. It is basically a search engine site. I downloaded the toolbar, and I make Swag Bucks for doing searches, taking polls, watching videos and even shopping online. Fridays are the big day, Swag Buck rewards are even higher. You can also get bucks for referring friends. Swag Bucks can be redeemed for prizes, gift cards and more. Its a great way to earn a reward towards something I would have had to spend money on. I save, and can spend that money on something else...or better yet, put it into my savings account. It is totally free to join, and an easy way to earn. Join Now.